Starving Artist Free Zone

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Grab your copy of my book, Palette Poetry!

Interested in learning how to write poetry? Want to become more confident as a Performer? Have a speech you need to prepare but stage fright has you too nervous to move forward?

Check out my classes and learn how to release your voice with confidence! Remember, you’re never too old to learn and it’s never too late to try.

How to Score Your Piece!
One time

What is scoring? Why is it important for a performer to do it? How exactly do you do it? Learn what scoring is and how to properly score your song, scene, or monologue through this helpful and colorful guide! This downloadable PDF includes an example monologue excerpt and a practice scene to score. Get your copy now!


How to Build Your Book!

Coming Soon!


Coloring Pages

Down to Earth Coloring Page by Alexis Taylor

Girl Talk Coloring Page by Alexis Taylor

You’ve Changed Coloring Page by Alexis Taylor